The International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy (IPHE) Technical Achievement Award (2006)
There are no translations available. Thermi, Greece (June 13, 2006) – The Aerosol and Particle Technology Laboratory (APTL) of CERTH/CPERI, Coordinator of the European Project HYDROSOL, with partners DLR (D), JOHNSON MATTHEY (UK), HELIOTECH (DK) and CERTH/CPERI (GR), partly funded by the European Union within the 5th Framework ENERGIE Programme) is pleased to announce that project HYDROSOL (http://www.hydrosol-project.org) has been awarded the inaugural 2006 IPHE Technical Achievement Award. The award is bestowed to Project HYDROSOL on June 13, 2006 at a ceremony in Lyons, France, “in recognition of its pioneering research on solar hydrogen production featuring a two-step thermochemical water splitting process and unique reactor that holds the potential for large scale, emissions free hydrogen production" (from http://www.iphe.net/). "The IPHE (International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy) Technical Achievement Award recognizes individuals, organizations, or international projects from the public or private sector that have significantly accelerated the transition to the international hydrogen economy and through technology, increased the knowledge of the hydrogen economy among policymakers and the general public". Dr. Athanasios G. Konstandopoulos, APTL’s Director and Coordinator of the HYDROSOL consortium, on receiving news of the Award, said: “I would like to congratulate all colleagues in the HYDROSOL consortium for this success. I would also like to thank the IPHE awards committee for their trust in our consortium and work. This award creates new responsibilities and provides new momentum to our consortium, to intensify our efforts and bring the HYDROSOL technology closer to production. The IPHE award, along with the earlier Global 100 Ecotech Award in 2005, recognize the value of European Solar Hydrogen research and provide justification for the European Commission's sustained support of Solar Chemistry research, for which we are grateful”. |